Heart of Money (Alpha Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Thriller) Page 2
“Fuck…” My voice shook as I came down from the orgasm.
“Was that as good for you as it was for me?” Brad rasped as he pulled the head of his cock from within my dripping pussy and then gently patted me on the back as he plopped down to my left, his warm thin lips connecting with my shoulder as he gave me a gentle kiss.
“I take that as a yes?” He crawled off the bed and stepped tiredly into the bathroom where he cleaned himself up quickly and then re-entered the room, still fully naked. I’d rolled onto my side at that point and had my head propped up with my arm. Smiling, I admired his naked body, his perfect form which was similar to the sculptures of Greek Gods.
“How are you so perfect?” I was practically beaming at him.
“I’m a man of many flaws.”
“You’re a millionaire, your body is so-”
“Billionaire.” He quickly corrected me.
“Perfect. Your cock is gorgeous and big, but not too big… Still, it’s the biggest I’ve ever had.”
“I’ve been told that a few times.” He stepped back onto the sheets and his knees dug into them as he crawled over to me and then lay down at my side. Long fingers stroked my hair as he stared into my eyes with a look that was a mixture of lust and query. What was he wondering? What was he thinking about me? I had so many questions for him myself, and I wondered if I’d ever get a chance to ask any of them. Would this new “relationship” ever go on after tonight? Would I ever even see him again? Was I just a one night stand?
Surely he could get prettier than me, so I figured that yes, I might as well accept that what had just happened was a one-time fuck… Nothing more, because there was no way in the world that I’d ever be so lucky to stumble upon a billionaire with male model looks who actually showed genuine interest in me. I considered myself lucky enough that he showed interest in fucking me, but beyond that I knew there was probably nothing. No chance, only in my dreams.
“Are you tired?” He asked.
“Yes. But I have so much on my mind.”
“Like what?” He ran a finger across my lips, his curious smile gently filling his face.
“Is this a one time thing? Will I ever even see you after tonight?”
“Of course. I have many plans for us, already in the works.”
“What do you mean?”
“Too many questions,” He whispered, still strumming my lips gently with his finger, “Tomorrow, you’ll find out everything. But I promise you, this isn’t a one night stand. Do you understand that?” His eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed.
“I believe you. I hope, I mean… I believe you’re telling the truth. I’ve just been hurt so many times. This is the first time in a long time that a guy’s ever shown interest in me. And usually they’re not worth a damn when they do.”
“Calm down, baby.” He leaned forward and kissed me, “I’m not going to desert you. I’m not interested in one night stands. My playboy days are over.”
“Do you… Promise?” I asked.
“Courtney…” He rasped, and for a moment I thought he was going to say ‘no’, “I promise you that.” He touched my lips with the tip of his forefinger one last time, smiled, and then closed his eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.
I wish, on one hand, that I could’ve so quickly done the same. But the fact of the matter was I had a lot on my mind. A lot about one single thing – the fact that I had just been fucked by a gorgeous and well hung billionaire, and the fact that my life was seemingly being swept up in a whirlwind sexual tornado in ways that I’d have never expected a mere four hours prior. I couldn’t believe what was happening, how lucky everything seemed… But would it work? Was it too good to be true? Or was I simply doubting this turn of events because of my low self-esteem? I knew one thing for sure – the night had been damn fun, and even if it ended the next morning, I’d have a hell of a story to replay in my mind during steamy moments where I felt horny and wanted to play with myself…
Chapter 3
An alarm clock buzzed me out of a pleasant dream. Before I found the courage to open my eyes, I wondered if I’d simply wake up in my own bed. Had it all been a mean trick of a dream? Had it never happened? I didn’t want to open my eyes. I didn’t want to wake up. I didn’t want to look over and see my stupid alarm clock buzzing, telling me to get out of bed and go grocery shopping considering I hadn’t been in two weeks and was running low on food – but then I realized that I didn’t even have to get out of bed to realize that it had not been a dream. The buzzer was different, the alarm itself was set to a standard buzz buzz like most other traditional alarm clocks.
Mine at my apartment was of a pop song I liked – I always figured that an alarm clock should be a pleasant sound to start the day, the worst part of the weekday was undoubtedly waking up in the morning, knowing you were about to go slave away for eight hours (plus commute time).
I opened my eyes. Brad was standing next to me, outside of the bed. He was still naked, and he flipped off the switch of the alarm clock and then turned and caught my eye. A big loving grin filled his face and he stared at me happily before crawling back into bed and hovering over top of me. His muscular arms straddled my shoulders and his knees dug into the sides of my legs. He leaned down, crouching slightly, and kissed my lips.
“Mmm.” I mumbled, and smiled slightly as I pulled the covers further up. I felt self-conscious of my body around him, and I was still totally naked. But he’d already seen every inch of it the night before, so I don’t know why I felt so worried that he’d judge me. Fuck it, I thought, and threw the bed sheets down to my knees as he kissed me. His eyes wandered down my curves and landed on my crotch, a slight amount of stubble prickling out from the pale skin in a diamond shape. His deep blues lit up like a wild fire and he crawled downwards and looked up at me momentarily before resuming whatever it was he was planning on doing. I didn’t have to wait very long to find out – his lips wrapped tightly around my pussy and then I felt the tip of his tongue brush ever so gently up and down my clit.
“Ohmygod.” I groaned quickly in bliss as his tongue slid up and down, softly, from my pussy all the way up to my clit. After a few moments he wrapped his lips tightly around my clit and sucked on it, gently nibbling on it. For whatever reason, the moment didn’t seem entirely sexual or provocative. It seemed genuinely passionate, loving, and gentle.
That said, it was still turning him on of course. His cock was hard as a rock down below and normally I was never horny in the morning, but this was an obvious exception. As his tongue slid away from my pussy he slid a finger into the depths of it and began to plunge it in and out. I moaned softly and looked at him with sleepy, dazed eyes.
“You make me feel so good… God, I can’t believe this.” I groaned.
He pulled his finger all the way in and out, and then crouched down and simply kissed my pussy, no tongue whatsoever involved. Then he rose and met my face with his and kissed my cheek before suddenly hopping off the bed and wrapping himself with a plush looking white robe.
“Coffee? Eggs, bacon?” He drew the blinds back and the morning sunlight boomed through the room disturbingly, but it was beautiful once I opened my eyes all the way after rubbing them sleepily.
I yawned, “That would be lovely… But I’m unfortunately supposed to go into work at nine today for a few hours. I had called out sick last week and I’m in the damn process of making it up. Fun stuff.” I chuckled sarcastically. Such was life.
Brad smiled, and walked over to me, “Why don’t you just say fuck it. Don’t show up. What’s the worst that could happen?” He sat on the edge of the bed.
“Um, I could lose my job and not be able to pay rent.”
“How much money do you need? I’ll wire a year’s salary into your account.” He rose and paced the room slowly, casually.
“Why would you? No,” I stammered, “I couldn’t ask you for that.”
“You didn’t ask. I offered, and I’m going to
. A person such as yourself, who, as I obviously can tell, deserves a break every once in a while. You’re a genuinely good person. Normally I don’t just hand out my money to people I’ve only just met… But I can tell you’re different, Courtney. And even if you ran off with my money, let’s be real. Fifty thousand dollars isn’t a damned thing to me. That, of course, is just an estimate of what your salary is. Am I close?”
“Pretty much on the dot. I make forty eight thousand a year.”
“I’ll go ahead and round it up to the fifty. Hey,” He walked to me again before opening the bedroom door, “I’m not saying to quit your job. Just… Don’t let it control your life. Come on, let’s have some breakfast, then I want to show you something.”
Breakfast was good, admittedly cooked better than my own poor attempts at omelets in the past. Afterwards there was a roar of noise, sounding peculiarly like a helicopter landing on the roof. Brad grabbed my plate, threw it in the dishwasher, and then took my hand.
“Where are we going?” I’d thrown on my clothes from the night before and hadn’t even had a chance to put on any makeup. Brad was wearing a tank top and a pair of blue jeans with well worn brown leather boots.
“Just follow me.” He grinned, and we walked out onto the back patio.
From the pack patio we climbed up a set of white stone spiral stairs that led to the roof top. The roaring sound grew louder with each step I took, and sure enough, a sparkling gray helicopter sat with its blades whirling on the roof top. The pilot stepped out and tipped his hat with a big grin on his face, and Brad grabbed my hand eagerly as he helped me onto the aircraft.
“What the hell?” I asked dazedly, but my voice was drowned out by the thunderous noise of the chopper.
“We’re going up north today, if that’s cool with you.” He yelled, and then kissed me out of the blue. My eyes widened and I lit up like a lightning bug as I stared at him with an expression of total shock and unexpectedness.
“I mean… Yeah, holy crap. I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Life is better when things come unexpectedly.” His voice droned through the roar of the blades.
Chapter 4
Big Sur, California.
Waves rolling in. The tide a roaring current of energy smacking against the cliff sides. The beaches are thin, and we were standing on top of a cliff side with a small trail that leads down to a narrow stretch of sand when Brad grabbed my hand and squeezed, the same excited smile appearing on his face as he led me carefully down the path to the beach.
It was deserted, save for us. Some seals rested on the sand and stared at us happily and friendlily as we walked with our pants rolled up near the tide. The sun was high in the sky and it was only ten in the morning. Brad had his cell phone at the ready to call up the pilot whenever we wanted to go back to Malibu. But at that moment, I never wanted to go back. Staring up at the Bixby Creek Bridge was majestic. The sky was blue and there wasn’t a single cloud in sight, save for one out in the distance above the deep blue sea.
The sun, on the other hand, was strong as hell and felt incredibly warm and soothing as it fought off the slightly chilly ocean breeze. It wasn’t as warm there as it was in Los Angeles, but it was still perfect in its own way, and for a moment I damn near forgot that we were even on planet earth… Things seemed too serene, too wild, too tranquil. Brad’s voice stirred me from my daze.
“It’s gorgeous. I like to come here to think.”
“About what?”
“Life. My victories. My problems. My goals.”
“What goals could you have that you haven’t already accomplished? You seem to have everything, Brad.” I said.
“Everything? I only have billions of dollars. So I have one thing. Money.”
“And happiness, I assume?” My brow furrowed as I stared at him. I had to speak loudly because of the roar of the ocean that came in big bursts and ran up our ankles.
Brad shook his head, “Sometimes I’m happy. But I feel like I’m always searching for it. For real happiness. Can I tell you a secret?”
“I feel guilty now, like I’ve been keeping something from you for so long. But the truth is I’ve only known you for less than… A day. Christ, that’s wild to think.”
“Just tell me.” I said.
“I came from the slums, quite literally. I was an orphan, and I’ve never met my family again after they gave me up for adoption. Well, rather, I was taken away by social services. Fuck ‘em.” He rasped, a vein bulging out of his forehead as his eyes narrowed and his lips tightened, “Fuck ‘em all.” He muttered, and sat down on a large rock.
I stood hesitantly and awkwardly beside him, and then sat down next to him and put a shaky hand on his knee, “Why do you think that’s a big secret to hide from me? You act like you’re ashamed of it. That makes your accomplishments even more impressive, Brad. I thought you surely had come from money.”
“Ha. From what I remember of my Mother and Father, neither one of them had a job for the six years I lived with them. My dad sold drugs for God’s sake.”
“Man…” I looked around uncomfortably. I didn’t know what to say, what would make him feel better, but I wished desperately that I could’ve put a smile on his face. Coming from a large and loving supportive family myself, it was hard for me to identify with Brad’s inner struggle. I’d never had to face the idea of not having a family, especially at such a young age.
“You’re a strong person, I can tell, and I’m just barely getting to know you.”
“I shut people out. I’ve had chances like this before to… To be with someone. But it doesn’t work.”
“I hope that doesn’t happen with us. I want to be with you.”
“I want to be with you. Can I tell you something else that involves my family? I just heard two weeks ago from…” His voice trailed off as he took a deep breath, “From my Mother, for the first time since I was taken away by social services. Being that it was when I was six years old, my memories are hazy and limited. But I remember her being a fucking bitch. Then again, as she’s seemingly so eager to tell me over the phone, that’s what the social services ‘planted in my head.’”. He laughed, and then continued, “She tells me that she was always a loving mother, and that it was my father who was the asshole of the family. Apparently it was him who was responsible for me being taken away. The thing is, since I was so young, I don’t remember. I don’t know if she’s telling the truth, Courtney. And she’s asking me for money. Lots of money.”
“Brad, no. I wish you could see this from my perspective… All the things you’re telling me now, they’re not good.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that your mother sounds undoubtedly like a bad person. She hasn’t spoken to you since you were a child, and now she has the nerve to call you up when she most likely read an article about you in the financial section of the paper? Or saw your picture plastered on news websites? I don’t doubt that you’re on there somewhere, you can’t tell me no one’s ever interviewed you about your business.”
“A few times, yes. There are photos of me online, and I kept my real name.”
“Then it’s easy for her to find you. And she can definitely tell that you have money now. Lots of money, Brad. I could tell that as soon as I saw you last night, but I didn’t know how much. And I didn’t care. I just thought you were handsome and charming. You don’t need to answer her calls anymore, as much as that pains me to say.”
“I know,” He rasped, “It’s just difficult. I wish someone could identify with it.”
“I wish I could, but I won’t lie. I’ve always had a supportive family. They were never rich; always middle class. But they helped me through hard times, as much as they could.”
“That’s good to know. I’m sorry you have to see so soon that I’ve got some inner demons, but I figure that if you plan on staying with me, it’s better to know sooner rather than later. Sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat. Nightmares,
dreams of having no one in my life.”
“You…” I paused, feeling silly considering I barely knew Brad yet, “You have me now. I’ve never met someone and so soon felt a strong connection with them. I feel really lucky to have met you, Brad. You’re not only a sweet guy with a big cock,” I laughed, “You’re also showing me things I’d never be able to see on my own, or with virtually anyone else. I mean, look at this!” I pointed out at the ocean, “How cool is this? And you took me here on a freaking helicopter.”
Brad hesitated, smiled, and pulled a Cuban cigar out of a metal case, “I suppose you’re right.” He lit the cigar and sucked in a big puff before shortly exhaling.
“I guess you’re jaded, though. How long have you been this wealthy?”
“I’m twenty nine. When I started my company three years ago is when I got extraordinarily wealthy. But I was already an entrepreneur at the age of twenty one and making six figures online.”
“Jesus, you’re smart.” Laughed.
“Not really, just good with making money. I know what the people want. I know how to sell it. It’s easy, anyone can be a millionaire if they work their asses off.”
“It’s so beautiful here.”
“I’d like to show you a secret spot. A cove.” Brad motioned to the right, and I felt myself being whisked along the edge of the beach as the tide chilled my feet in the warm sunlight. We stepped around the corner of a Cliffside and at that point I was feeling worried because the water was almost up to my knees. Brad didn’t seem to mind his pants getting soaked half way up, and continued to puff casually on his cigar before we turned the corner and stopped at a not so large little cove, tucked between the cliff sides. There was no one there but us, and it was gorgeous.
“I brought something.” He set the backpack he wore on the ground and unzipped it, pulled out a sack of lunch.